Users and data import
  • 10 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Users and data import

  • Dark

Article summary

Plex Manager offers integration will Plex and in addition to importing servers and libraries, it can also import Plex users, information about them and libraries they currently share. Before synchronizing users and shared libraries, ensure that you have synchronized your servers and libraries and described in previous sections.

Users synchronization/import

This step will synchronize/import any users currently sharing libraries on your Plex servers. As described in the System overview, Plex Manager offers two classes of users: standard and permanent and Plex integration settings will dictate whether your users will be imported as standard orpermanent

What will happen when the synchronization occurs? Plex Manager will reach out to Plex for each Plex account you have configured. It will fetch a list of friends or users that share a Plex server. If the friend/user already exists in Plex Manager, any changed information will be updated in Plex Manager. However, if the friend/user does not exist in Plex Manager, it will be created taking into account whether to create it as a standard user or permanent. In addition to creating a user, Plex Manager will create a default payment for the user and assign them to a plan that you marked as default. Each payment has start and end dates defined that indicate the time period for which ths payment paid for user's subscription. The default payment will last the same amount of time as the default plan duration.  

To synchronize/import users, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Users panel in the main menu
  • The panel will show any existing users that may have been imported or synchronized
  • Click on the menu button in the table header, and click on Sync menu item
  • This will initiate the synchronization/import process that may take a while especially during the initial import
  • Once complete, refresh the table to see all new users that have been imported
  • Next, navigate to Servers & Libraries dropdown in the main menu and click on Shared Servers menu item
  • This will open Shared Servers panel showing which users share which server and when they were invited and added to the server
  • Click on the menu button in the table header, and click on Sync menu item
  • This will synchronize this information so you should ow see entries here for all your users that share a server

Once the synchronization is complete, you MUST edit each user to configure each user to match you existing records. Please pay attention to the following:

  • Edit user profile data to update this information:
    • PayPal email - if your user pays you via PayPal specifying their PayPal email address is critical since Plex Manager uses this email to match payments to users when importing transactions
    • Discord info - set the ID and username to ensure Plex Manager can add/remove the roles and send DMs to users
  • Edit default payment created by Plex Manager to set the user to correct plan and set the end date of the payment to when user's subscription expires. This will drive when payment reminders are send and when a user is eligible to be removed from your Plex servers should they not pay to extend their subscription. Also, if the user is on an existing recurring payment, set the Subscription ID of the recurring subscription so that Plex Manager can match future payments to this user

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